
It finally dawned on me that, after almost 20 years of actually doing the job, I might have something interesting to say about recruiting and the recruiting industry. I thought about just cutting and pasting my bio but that just seemed weak – the whole purpose of a blog is to say something original, have people tell you are an idiot and get some sort of conversation going. So don’t keep your comments or opinions to yourself. You never know, you might actually be more intelligent and interesting than you think. Then again, maybe not.

Oh yeah, here’s the Bio:

I have been an IT recruiter in Toronto since 1995. I have tried not to piss off too many people (mostly successful) and hope that I have created some good relationships with IT professionals across the region, both those we call candidates and those who actually pay the bills (or clients as we like to call them). It has been a successful run overall and I do not anticipate leaving the business anytime soon (because I have run out of other options).

Recently I have opened my own practice, Interactive Search Group, that is the next step in my professional progression. Come to the website, http://www.interactive-search.com to see what we are all about and what makes us unique.


One comment on “About

  1. Hey Robb, great approach, I always like that you say it as it is!.

    Have a great 2011. I’l follow onlong with interest. At least you know someone is listening:). (from the Aussie that has be around since you started in this game) cheers Mate!

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